Sunday, 25 December 2011

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is a very common problem that women are, unfortunately, faced at least women. The only consolation for the "weaker sex" could be the mere fact that the female pattern baldness is treated better than men, because often it causes are temporary health problems, which are completely treatable.

And if the types and forms of alopecia in men and women are equal, then the reasons for hair loss occurs, may have some differences.

Let's look at the causes of hair loss in women in more detail and learn -

Cause Number 1: Stress

Are not uncommon, that of increased hair loss affects young women. One of the most common causes of hair lossin our time is the stress arising from physical overload, chronic lack of sleep, nervous shock.

All these factors cause a sudden stop the growth of hair follicles, which should be in a growth phase for quite a long time. This is due to the fact that under stress and tension of modern life is contraction of the capillaries in the scalp, which leads to a decrease in blood flow to the papilla.

Hair begins to thin out immediately, but only a few weeks or months. Therefore, quite difficult to determine what stress was the trigger for those with who started and alopecia. It must be remembered that the physical and emotional exhaustion are always reflected in the state of the organism, which responds not only to hair loss, but also brittle nails, tooth pain, migraines, insomnia and worsening skin condition.

Cause Number 2: Diets

Restriction in food, and even starvation simply very closely associated with hair loss, as a woman's body no longer receives the nutrients so necessary for the normal functioning of body systems and organs. A particularly dangerous

shortage of protein, amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E and F, as well as zinc and iron. It is known that adipose tissue produces a lot of female hormones. In addition, losing a lot of fat, the body breaks up fat-soluble and with vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair.

Women, therefore, a great interest in a variety of radical methods shedding extra pounds are at risk of hair loss in addition to get hold of the same problems that have experienced stress - the deterioration of healthy skin, teeth, brittle nails and bedding, etc.

Cause Number 3: Infectious diseases

Almost any inflammation in the body can cause hair loss. No accident that the hair is called the best health indicators.
After such diseases as influenza, acute respiratory infections, scarlet fever, typhoid, pneumonia, etc., occur with high fever and fever, the body takes defensive measures - losing her hair. He tries not to let the active immune cells come into our hair and for this "lull" of them.

Cause Number 4: Pregnancy

Normally during pregnancy, women do not experience any problems with the hair, which on the contrary become more dense and silky. This is due to the fact that the female body produces extra estrogen, which suppresses male hormones (androgens), and stimulates hair growth. However, after the birth (especially in the first three months), there is a noticeable decrease in the number of estrogens and androgens increase, which affects the hair follicles and disrupt the supply of hair, so the woman begins to rapidly lose hair.

The fact is that during pregnancy there is a metabolic disorder, because the body has a new distribution of power - power to combine the child while maintaining the normal life of the future mother.

Also, a pregnant woman may feel a lack of vitamins - iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients and minerals.

Cause Number 5: Hormonal disorders

In the women's body along with the female sex hormone estrogen are present and more male - androgens, which affect the hair follicles and disrupt the supply of hair.

The amount of estrogen is incomparably greater, but due to various reasons (abnormal ovaries, adrenal glands, a marked decline in estrogen after childbirth, menopause, intake of some contraceptive pills, which contain substances that lead to increased levels of androgens in the blood) increased concentrations of androgens and is sometimes found women in connection with which the ladies are male-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)

Other reasons:

Heredity Androgenetic alopecia

This reason is often hair loss in men than inwomen. This type of baldness is genetic in origin, in which the action of the gene is only realized under the influence of male hormones (androgens), which affect the hair folliclesand hair nutrition break.

That is, if for any changes in a woman's body increases the amount of androgens, and in her family had relatives who suffered from alopecia, it is likely she will also have a problem with hair loss.

XHereditary hair loss - an irreversible disease that is associated with atrophy of the follicles. Unfortunately, at present the only way to keep your hair in Xhereditary baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is the use of hormonal therapy, hair transplantation, or wearing a wig.


One of the most common causes of hair loss - this is a problem with the scalp, namely the occurrence of seborrhea. Seborrheaoccurs when the sebaceous glands malfunction, which could result in dandruff, oily scalp, flaking and itching. Seborrhea is dry or oily, but that is another can lead to hair loss. In the course of the disease clogged pores, the bulb can not function normally, but slowly thinning hair. The cause of these troubles may be all the same problems in the body, but perhaps just the wrong care.

Seborrhea is determined clinically. Treatment can be lengthy, but worthwhile. The treatment itself usually does not lead to the desired result and may aggravate the situation.

Exposure to chemicals and radiation

Sudden hair loss can also be caused by exposure to chemicals or radiation (usually after 1-3 weeks after exposure to chemicals or radiation). Most often this happens in the therapy of malignant tumors, which is conducted with the use of irradiation or cytotoxic agents. Sometimes the cause of hair lossis or arsenic poisoning with thallium.

During chemotherapy of malignant tumors is sometimes seen falling to 90% of the hair, until the complete baldness. However, in most cases, hair loss caused by chemotherapy is completely reversible. Sometimes, newly grown hairs are healthier and stronger than those that fell. You can change their color and texture (curly hair replacement for both direct and reverse).

In some diseases, hair loss can be quite significant, for example, in diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes, thyroid disorders, the transfer of surgical intervention in the body under general anesthesia, a metabolic disorder associated with excess or deficiency of certain trace elements in the body, poisoning by heavy metals , chronic, serious illnesses - tuberculosis, syphilis, blood disorders, etc.

In any case, you must first determine why the hair falls out, and then start targeting the systematic treatment.


Diana Zoellner


Dr. Robert M. Bernstein (Professor of Dermatology at Columbia University in

Androgen Disorders in Women By Theresa Cheung

Dr. Paul J. McAndrews

Published: 03.10.2011

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