Sunday, 25 December 2011

Research On Women Hair Loss

Hair loss in women - a serious problem that inhibits their morale, because the dignity of women gorgeous hair. The problem of hair loss a phenomenon often enough these days, and found it not only men but also women. If men may not be a tragedy, hair loss in women a problem that requires immediate and effective treatment. Often this is androgenic alopecia in women, the so-called androgenic alopecia. Today there are many techniques for hair loss, each of which usually has its advantages and disadvantages. In any case, hair treatment for women should begin with a consultation trichologist - it will not only shorten the time of treatment, but also save money because the problem will be solved step by step without the common mistakes that often lead to deterioration of the hair.

Hair loss can be a sign of a number of diseases, both local and systemic. To understand the situation and solve this problem, you need a doctor who treats hair. Trichologist better for a consultation to come on the second day after shampooing. Before his visit to the doctor is not necessary to change the usual hair care or self-experiment with therapeutic drugs.
Women Hair Loss

In many ways, the doctor will understand in the course of the conversation. Then trichologist will diagnose the state of the scalp and hair using a special camera, which gives an increase of 60 and 200 times, combined with the computer. Video just check the scalp on the increase, foto trichogramma - a more detailed analysis: in the head with a tiny trim of land (about 0.8 cm2.) After 2-3 days the patient returned to the doctor, who paints this area to paint the eyebrows (so all the hairs were clearly visible), and examines the camcorder. This survey will help to distinguish between different types of hair loss and re- foto trichogramma in four months to objectively show how effectively treated. Perhaps, in consultation doctor may prescribe additional blood tests (biochemical and hormones) or send to a consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

After two or three days all of the tests will be ready and trichologist, establishing a diagnosis, appropriate treatment can. Most likely, you will encounter one of three situations.

Telogen Alopecia or "Ballast Overboard!”

The essence of this form of baldness that much hair at once transferred from the growth phase just a phase of extinction. As a result, two or three months after metamorphosis and begins falling chord.

Why is this happening? When the body needs to mobilize its forces, he is first and foremost, "deprives the allowances" are those tissues that are not vital. And the first in this black list the number of hairs.

Therefore, any stress: a sudden conflict or painful experiences, and transferred cold, spring vitamin deficiency, a sharp change in the usual set of drugs or their complete abolition, exacerbation of chronic disease can lead to hair loss.

Fortunately, this condition is reversible. Sometimes it can result in itself, when the cause has exhausted itself, but may move into the chronic form, the approximate criterion of the transition, if such a loss lasts more than three months. However, it is better not to wait so long, and maintain your hair at an early stage has not yet decreased hair density, because the recovery of density is quite a lengthy process. Feature telogen alopecia, hair loss every day plentiful, especially noticeable when shampooing and combing. But throw away the anxiety, the telogen alopecia almost never provide a complete hair loss, hair recovered after treatment in the same volume, though not immediately.

What will appoint a doctor?

First, two or three deep cleansing cosmetic procedures for the preparation of the scalp for treatment. Then it is necessary to stimulate the hair and apply to their roots further necessary nutrients. To do this, a course of mesotherapy. Sessions must be 3.6 in the scalp. Mesotherapy needle conduct, which is itself no thicker than a hair. Your doctor will recommend buying home therapeutic shampoo, lotion and mask better integrated with the device home physiotherapy.

For one to three months would need to drink B-vitamins, calcium pantothenate, and other drugs in common actions, such as sulfur-containing amino acids or drugs aloe. The exact choice of drugs will make the doctor.

Excesses or High Fat content of The Head Dandruff

If you have too high output of sebum, the absence of treatment, the mouth of the hair follicles becomes clogged desquamated skin flakes. Hair Nutrition and metabolic processes are violated, the scalp is inflamed. All this leads to a gradual thinning of hair and stop their growth. This is evident from video diagnostic. When viewed with the naked eye scalp may look clean, but at high magnification doctor immediately clear blocked pores and inflamed hair roots.

What will appoint a doctor?

First and most importantly cleaning the mouths of the follicles. It is better if it would be professional peels for the skin of the head, carried out by specialists, but there are effective sets for home care (companies Optima, Simone and TE). Triholog help you select the correct one. Course - 7-14 procedures.

At the same time be reduce the activity of bacteria of the scalp. This is achieved by using regular household products containing piroctone olamine, climbazole, tea tree, tar, zinc, and TE efficiently when the tool combines several above-mentioned active substances in high concentrations. Usually, this professional-grade sold at the clinic on the advice of a doctor.

Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands homeopathic mesotherapy can be done in a clinic course - 7-14 treatments, home care facilities with comparable effectiveness is practically nonexistent.

Androgenetic Alopecia "your heirloom."

In women, the nature of such hair loss can be hereditary alopecia, and a consequence of endocrine disorders that can lead to an excess of male hormones. In this situation, accompanied by alopecia, menstrual disorders. When will correct hormonal imbalances, restore and hairstyle.

The most common cause of hair loss in women is androgenetic alopecia. It occurs in both men and women. This type of hair loss - just inherited age-related features, like eye color or a birthmark. The gist is that the hair follicles have receptors for the male sex hormones (androgens). Under their influence the hair growth slows down, becoming thinner and thinner, and then completely stops growing. Hair on the body while on the contrary, becoming thicker and thicker).

In this form of alopecia hair loss gradually, slowly and imperceptibly thinning, especially since we rarely discern their parietal area, which begins this alopecia.

What will appoint a doctor?

Before Trichologists task - to strengthen your hair and protect them from androgens. To do this, both men and women show a systematic daily massaging the scalp minoxidil solution.

In this form of alopecia is also effective methods of strengthening the non-specific hair (mesotherapy, physiotherapy), while hair loss is just beginning. The later you go to trichologist, the worse the prognosis.

Only for men, the hormonal system which has several features designed finasteride tablets. They drink a few months. If the patient has already parted with much of the hair, the most effective combination of minoxidil for the daily rubbing of finasteride and reception inside.

Regardless of diagnosis, the treatment of alopecia is very important to trust your doctor. The fight against hair loss - the process is serious, so our advice - do not hesitate to ask your doctor. And trichologist, and patient fellow here.

Stages Of The Patient

Step 1: Diagnosis

Hair treatment for women should start with the advice of an experienced trichologist, who will appoint a comprehensive survey. As a rule, to stop hair loss doctor will be able to study after makrofoto hair, as well as interviews with the patient. Even if you think that the changes in health status and lifestyle are not connected with the problem of hair loss, we recommend you still tell trichologist about them - it often allows faster diagnosis.

The main methods by which studies the problem of hair loss:
  • Research on micronutrient deficiencies. Used a few hairs from different parts of the head;
  • Foto trichogramma - defines the structure of hair, its thickness and uniformity. Shear area of 0.4 - 0.6 cm, which re-examined a day later. It also demonstrates the effectiveness of treatment over time.

Step 2: The Fight Against Hair Loss

Typically, hair loss treatment women caused telogen alopecia - a condition where the hair of the growth phase immediately transferred to the phase of decline. Less commonly observed androgenic hair loss due to elevated levels of male hormones in the body. Androgenetic alopecia in women is well understood, diagnosed and treated quickly producing tangible results. And if in the second hair treatment for women begins with the correction of hormonal levels, in the first main aspect of treatment is to stimulate sprout hair zone and normalization of metabolic processes in tissues of the head.

Hair loss in women in our clinic is performed comprehensively. It starts out with a thorough cleaning of the scalp, eliminating clogging pores, dissolves sebum. Physical therapy includes massage and vacuum darsonval, in addition, used mesotherapy. General strengthening of the body includes the injection of adaptogens, taking dietary supplements, vitamin pills, prescribed by your doctor.

Step 3: Prevention

At the end of intensive treatment should provide a decent hair care at home. The specialists of our clinic will provide you with shampoo, face masks and tonics that can be used at home. Note that checking the condition of hair and carry out regular maintenance therapy is recommended (at least every six months), so that your hair was always gorgeous. Hair loss in women can be stopped androgenic alopecia and telogen treatable.

In short, to cope with hair loss can be fast enough, and the diagnosis and treatment of virtually painless and can be performed on the job. The consultation trichologist you can learn more about the used methods in our clinic, and calculate the cost of treatment.


Mathew David (PhD in Hair Loss)


BBC Physical Health - Hair loss in women By Dr Trisha Macnair

National Trichology Services In Sydney, Australia

Help from American Hair Loss Association

Published: 04.10.11

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