Already in ancient times, people gave great importance to hair. All the Gods and glorious warriors in ancient mythologies could boast gorgeous hair, but slaves, prisoners and traitors, to humiliation, shaved their heads. In turn, among the priests cutting the hair was treated as a victim.
Biblical Samson's hair was given superhuman strength, which he lost when he cunningly cropped. Perhaps that is why, even today, baldness is associated mainly with old age and weakness, and wild hair is seen as a symbol of youth, strength and energy.
In ancient times, the hair protects the head from the cold and ultraviolet radiation, but today they have to perform an aesthetic function. Long, shiny and luxurious - for many women, they are an attribute of femininity. With a well-chosen hairstyles can emphasize its advantages, visually change the shape of the face, and to hide imperfections. But for men and hair are of equal importance. Men in old age a good hair add a confidence and have a great influence on the feeling of self worth.
Often, after a winter of our hair is not staying in the best condition. Dry and frosty air, heating and air conditioning, as well as frequent blow-drying in some way affect the skin, head, and, in turn, to the hair. In addition, a diet poor in vitamins and minerals, lack of movement, and, a result, hypoxia further weaken the body's hair follicles. The women also added to the problem of "bullying" over the various kinds of chemical hair treatments, such as coloring, straightening or permanent waving. It is not surprising that such hair looks worse in late winter - dry, rough, having lost luster, brittle, split. In this case you should care about them extensively, since it is an important element of our appearance. Unfortunately, more and more common problem is their loss, to complain that not only men but also more and more women.
Moderate precipitation occurs in each of us. If the number of "lost" every hair is less than 150, it has no need to panic. However, if the issue is gaining momentum and losses are constantly getting more and more noticeable, you need to think about its cause.
Each hair grows from deeper in the skin called a hair sac. Their number is genetically determined and does not change all my life. However, sometimes some of them may cease to function, which leads to baldness. In both sexes, this process is mainly due to age. Over the years, his hair starting to thin out each person. Sometimes, however, that the young people are faced with the problem. The most common, and at the same time the least treatable form of hair loss is male pattern baldness. It begins with a head-on corners and top, and can end up completely naked head. This problem is especially true for men over fifty, it is worth noting that the struggle with her mostly male representatives of the white race. Bald black men less likely and Asians are least likely. Cause of hair loss in this type of baldness is a genetic predisposition, as well as male sex hormones - androgens. Unfortunately not yet found a satisfactory method that would prevent this form of hair loss. Men try to disguise his bald head, wearing hairpieces or wigs. In order to avoid accidentally moving the, in some countries is perfectly fitted wigs to form a concrete head, which is attached to it with special glue for a period of three weeks. After this time the wig is removed to allow washing of the head, and then sticks again.
Other method of visually conceal the thinned hair is "condensed" hair by it artificial or natural hair. However, this method is very expensive and cumbersome because of a haircut to look after a special way, using special cosmetics.
Another solution is hair transplantation, which in recent years has become increasingly popular. This method consists of taking hair from the back and sides of the head. These hairs appear to be more resistant to the action of hormones, because they do not fall out even after transplantation to other places. In order to avoid damage to the hair-sac, single hair removed using a stereoscopic microscope, and then implanted into a new place with a special needle. Will the hair grow in the right direction or die down naturally, depends on the experience and skill the doctor performing the transplant.
However, male pattern baldness is just one form of this more general problem. In women, as young men, the reasons for this malaise may be different. The most common ones are:
Genetic Predisposition
Hormonal disorder:
Women - especially after childbirth and during menopause. During pregnancy, rising levels of estrogen, which leads to the fact that in this period, a woman loses less hair. After delivery, "excess" hair must be eliminated, and that gives the impression of excessive precipitation.
Diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, tumors, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. In more rare cases, it's also flu, scarlet fever, syphilis, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.
Such as mercury, arsenic, thallium
Hair loss can cause drugs inhibiting blood clotting, as well as anti-cancer treatment.
Prolonged Stress
Poor Diet:
Monotonous miserable diet, a lack of protein and fat, iron, zinc and vitamins A and E and vitamin B. Often the reason is the rapid weight loss.
Dandruff and seborrhea:
Which violates the right blood circulation in the scalp
Incorrectly Selected Medications And Treatments:
Affect the condition of the hair and dyes, oxidizing agents, permanent wave, varnishes and other products for hair styling.
Wrong Hair do Or Headdress:
Some hairstyles too much pull on your hair (for example, a horse's tail). The results of studies say that black women, being fans of amazing exotic and complicated hairstyles, hair loss often have problems than white women. Also, the contraction of the scalp or heavy headgear, such as military helmets can cause hair loss.
Dr. Adrina Barack
How To Beat Hair Loss By Dr. Antonio Armani's
Bald! By Kevin Baldwin
Hair Loss No More By Jonathan E Phillips
Published Date: 18.09.2011
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