Sunday, 25 December 2011

Coping With Dandruff

In today's world, about 68% of the population in developed countries suffers from Dandruff. This is not only unpleasant but also ugly.


What Iis Happening?

On the scalp, as well as on the body, there is a constant peeling of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. But the small, horn-particles not visible to the naked eye and removed by combing, causing no sensation.
  • As a rule, dandruff appears either due to accelerated cell renewal and enhanced rejection of old, dead skin cells of the scalp.
  • Or the reason for its occurrence may be a fungus called malazeziya. At first he behaves quietly and unobtrusively, but with the weather, stress, abuse, or a change in diet shampoo, the growth of fungus growing. There is a resistance to the immune system and starts the growth of fungus over-keratinized cells. That ultimately leads to the formation of dandruff.
  • The appearance of dandruff can cause incorrect and picked up the shampoo, as well as the misuse of styling, coloring and perming. All this leads to negative changes in water-lipid mantle of the scalp and provokes the development of dandruff.

Varieties of Dandruff

The whole is divided into a dry dandruff, scalp when dry and flaky, and greasy seborrhea with increased production of sebum.

What we see in commercials on TV - dandruff, sanding clothes - it's just dry dandruff.

Oily dandruff, by contrast, sticks together and stays on his head. It can detect, if you rub your head with your fingers. It will remain on your fingers as oily sheen.

How To Deal
  • Prevention against dandruff is the right care for your hair.
  • If the dandruff has already appeared, the experts recommend at least comb your hair so as not to irritate the scalp.
  • We must also normalize their mental state, to learn less nervous about the emergence of problems respond adequately, without going into a panic, and deal with them calmly. This may help to yoga, meditation, autogenic training.
  • As soon as possible to get rid of bad habits such as alcohol and smoking.
  • Change your daily diet, giving up spicy, fatty, salty, sugary foods, and various intermediate products.
  • Dandruff is not a friend of vitamins in the body if a sufficient number of B vitamins, A, E, C, for dandruff disappears.
  • To get rid of dandruff can turn to the experts, they will advise special features.
  • The head can not be washed with hot water. When washing is better to take to defend a little warm water. Rinse your head good water acidulated with lemon.
  • Drying hair naturally is best.

Home Remedies

You can use at home to get rid of dandruff natural remedies.
  • 2-3 times a week, rub into the scalp gently warmed linseed oil for 40-50 minutes before washing the head.
  • Crushed ¼ cup pine nuts to grain gruel and rub into the scalp two times a week. The course of 1 month.
  • Pour 2 tbsp. chopped dried leaves of coltsfoot 500 ml of boiled water, a thermos for 2-3 hours, drain, and rinse hair after washing. From this structure it is possible to make lotions to the scalp.
  • 2 tablespoons of cornflower blue flowers pour 2 cups boiling water, wrap and infuse 1 hour, drain. Every night, rub the liquid into the scalp for 1 month. Hair after the procedure did not rinse.
  • Take ½ cup of berries, sea buckthorn, crush them, add ½ cup of olive oil, warmed in a water bath for half an hour, press day in a dark place. Rub into the hair roots before each wash for half an hour, from top to cover her head with a towel.
  • For oily scalp over the counter alcohol tincture of calendula and castor oil. 2 tbsp. tablespoons brandy mixed with 1 teaspoon of castor oil and rub into the scalp for 1 hour before washing. If your scalp is dry, the tincture and oil are mixed in proportions of 1:1.


Laura David


Dr. Robert M. Bernstein (Professor of Dermatology at Columbia University in New York)

Dr. Bernstein (hair care specialist)

The Complete Hair Book By Philip Kingsley

Published: 26.09.11

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