In recent years hair transplantation became very popular not only among men but also women. However, despite the availability of information in the press, yet there are a number of questions that we asked for comments by famous US doctors.
Donated hair transplant, the best option, especially if uvas sonorom same blood group?
This is one of the most common myths. Transplant can only own hair, in all other cases they will be rejected by the body as alien tissue. Even if we suppose that the donor grafts, including a close relative, have a chance to settle down, it should be remembered that the match should be as blood type, and color, and in addition, the structure of the hair. Too great a risk factor for hair transplant and will not undertake any professional.
Hair-safe solution to the problem of baldness?
Absolutely. The technique itself is based on the mechanical redistribution of hair on his head. Here's how: The surgeon takes a section of skin with hair from the donor site, usually at the back, it creates out of mini-and micrografts (small areas of skin with hair follicles), and then transplant them into the area of baldness. Naturally, the transplanted hair will not be thick and fluffy, but good disguise thinning areas. But if the patient is completely bald, of course, impossible to perform hair transplants.
Dr. Bill Michael Zhitny (PhD, a specialist "Clinic century”)
Published: 18.10.2011
Donated hair transplant, the best option, especially if uvas sonorom same blood group?
This is one of the most common myths. Transplant can only own hair, in all other cases they will be rejected by the body as alien tissue. Even if we suppose that the donor grafts, including a close relative, have a chance to settle down, it should be remembered that the match should be as blood type, and color, and in addition, the structure of the hair. Too great a risk factor for hair transplant and will not undertake any professional.
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Absolutely. The technique itself is based on the mechanical redistribution of hair on his head. Here's how: The surgeon takes a section of skin with hair from the donor site, usually at the back, it creates out of mini-and micrografts (small areas of skin with hair follicles), and then transplant them into the area of baldness. Naturally, the transplanted hair will not be thick and fluffy, but good disguise thinning areas. But if the patient is completely bald, of course, impossible to perform hair transplants.
Transplanted hair does not require any special care?
It's true. You do not have to buy special cosmetic preparations and take expensive vitamins. You can use regular shampoos, conditioners and apply usual masks and even dye her hair.Hair transplantation is one operation. After her neostats no scars, mild?
This is true. Hair transplantation does not affect large areas of the skin; therefore, no serious problems arise. The only time - may be small swelling (especially if the transplant was carried out in the temporo-frontal area), but they fall within a few days. To speed up the rehabilitation process, we recommend a course of special restorative procedures. As for scarring, post-transplant is only a small seam. It is located deep in the hair so that it does not even notice your hairdresser.Hair transplantation may adversely affect brain: cause dizziness, memory loss, attention some cases even cause Minor Strokes?
The most amateurish opinion of all. The method of hair transplantation involves only skin and subcutaneous fat of the scalp. Deep underlying tissue, including bones of the skull and brain, are not subject to any influence, and therefore the negative effects can not be afraid.Transplanted hair may not only from the back of the head, not other body parts?
From a scientific point of view, you can take hair from any part of the body. That's just to do it? Hairs on the body are very different in structure, color and thickness of hair that grow on the head. If they are transplanted, the result will look like, to put it mildly, bizarre, and sometimes even funny.Hair transplantation - a painless procedure, which has a minimum of contraindications?
It's true. Operation of the hair transplant is performed under local anesthesia, so is completely painless. Absolute contraindications are few, and they concern mainly the critical states of health. Hardly what a surgeon would dream to have surgery the next day after acute myocardial infarction or stroke. There are relative contraindications, but very little. This is diabetes, coagulation disorders and skin diseases in the acute stage. All the pros and cons are evaluated on a preliminary consultation.To achieve good results, hair transplants done in several stages?
No, it's not. If the donor site and allows the surgeon skill, unique operation is best done in one step. The only exceptions are those cases where the area of hair loss is so great that require more than four thousand transplant grafts. It would be extremely difficult to close it in one operation.The method of hair transplantation is too young to know her very little?
Completely false statement! In medical practice, the first successful transplant of their own hair to treat hair loss made in the late 50-ies of XX century, and the theoretical justification procedure done in 1939 by a Japanese doctor dermatologist Okuda. From this point was made several million operations around the world. By the mid-80s technique perfected and now she can achieve very impressive results.The transplanted hair will never look natural hair?
No, it's not. If you contact a qualified, no one would guess that you have made hair transplants. There are so-called methods of transplanting large grafts consisting of 10-15 hair follicles. The final result after such an operation reminiscent of a brush or a doll's head - the hair grow really large bunches, around which are bare patches of skin, but today it is used very rarely. Modern methods of transplant surgeons prefer the mini-and micrografts that contain from one to four follicles. This approach allows for maximum natural result.Author
Frank Donald, Ph.D.Resources
Dr. Basil Buyanov (Head of the clinic Real Trans Hair)Dr. Bill Michael Zhitny (PhD, a specialist "Clinic century”)
Published: 18.10.2011
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