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Who's To Blame?
Doctors call it is popularly known baldness androgenetic alopecia. Androgens - Male sex hormones, which affect the hair follicles, which are why food is broken hair, they weaken, fall, and new in their place, do not grow. In the usual pattern baldness play a significant role these same androgens and genes. In 75% of cases, heredity affects maternal grandfather, and the remaining 25% of the genes of the father to blame. In addition, swept away the wave of hair on a man's head can and external factors.
One of the most common causes - stress. As a result of nervous tension is vasospasm, so that supply blood to the head in insufficient quantities, disturbed nutrition of hair, and 10-15% of hair follicles die off. Reducing the number of hair may be a consequence of such skin diseases as seborrhea, resulting from a violation of the sebaceous glands. Negative impact on the hair has a medication, such as acetate, thallium, pelentan, nitrofarin, fepromaron, fenilin, sinkumara, fibrinolysin, streptolidaza, as well as products containing radon compounds, heparin.
Cause of poor hair growth may be sudden changes in temperatures and poor environmental conditions. On the hair ends up dust, particles of metals and organic substances. Connecting with greasy skin cover, they form insoluble complexes that violate the power of hair. Especially dangerous are the increased radiation, hazardous waste facilities and high voltage currents used for melting and heat treatment of metals, insulators and semiconductors. These currents produce in the air, radiation having the same electromagnetic nature as infrared, visible, X-ray and gamma radiation. An ultra-high currents used in medicine to speed up metabolism and stimulate blood oxygen saturation. What should I do? Once the hair starts to thin out, you need to see a specialist, trichologist.
The effectiveness of treatment depends on what stage of the disease you go to a doctor, and the preservation of hair follicles. In their normal state, you can restore your hair, but it will take time (from several months to several years).
Why Is It Important To Seek Medical Attention At An Early Stage Of The Disease?
The fact is that over time, to place the affected follicles formed scars, even before their appearance is likely to increase their own hair, and treatment of possible therapeutic methods. The essence of this treatment is in general stimulation of the follicles of patients: from the outside - with special high frequency currents, massage, therapeutic shampoos, oils, dermatological, and the inside - by taking vitamins and food supplements. These funds are aimed at improving circulation and blood flow, which improves skin nutrition and restore the structure. Actively increases blood flow to supply the hair follicles and glands intradermal, and that stimulates hair growth.
Laser Therapy This technique is applicable at any stage of the disease, and its effectiveness also depends on the preservation of hair follicles. If the depth of the skin is still left of the sprout of the follicle, the treatment will give results. Laser therapy aims to stimulate the follicles by laser, quartz, solar or pepper burn, because a burn is an activation of the immune system and reproductive processes. Is not precluded from a combination of laser and therapeutic methods. In the treatment using "laser comb" - a device of quantum therapy, which combines three medical factors: a magnetic, laser and infrared radiation. The laser allows for the exchange processes, improve microcirculation delicate blood vessels that feed the hair follicle, and to increase tissue respiration. In the initial phase of treatment, the results can give two courses, with an interval of two weeks, at a later stage may require 4.10 courses.
There is a popular tool to help in the early stages of hair loss. Need to rub salt into the scalp in a circular motion, and then wash with warm water. Salt improves blood flow to hair follicles, making them healthier. The main thing is not to damage the skin too long, repeating this procedure, a couple of minutes once a week is enough to get a result.
Hair transplantation if the disease started, and nothing helps, but you still want to have shaggy bangs, you can use hair transplant. Bulbs own hairs from the back are perfect for immune status, so the new site will grow as well as grow lost hair here. Only to fall they would no longer be as androgens in the bulbs, was originally the former at the back and in the temporal part, is not there. The procedure foresees the following way: take a piece of skin with hair from the occipital region, cut it into cubes, containing 3-6 hair follicles and implanted them in areas where pre-made tiny holes. The operation takes 2-5 hours. Healthy hair begins to ratification at the new location after 2.5-3 months after transplantation.
Those who lost all her hair, whose hair follicles are already beyond repair, do not worry. Doctors give them a chance to gain confidence in themselves at the expense of the "new" hairstyles, if any, was lost along with the latter lost his hair. Can be implanted artificial hair, which is a synthetic material, the structure as close to natural hair. Before the surgery is performed test for allergies on the composition of new hair. Transplant is carried out with a special needle for a certain length, with local anesthesia. Transplanted in one operation does not exceed 300-400 hair. According to statistics, in the first year did not catch on only 10% of the hair, the subsequent rate decreases. Before deciding on surgery, think about how to look dignified man with a bald head. For many women, they seem more experienced, serious and thoughtful.
William Matt
Dr. Leonard (Rhode Islan, USA)
Dr. Pistone ( Marlton, NJ, USA)
Dr. Bernstein (New York, USA)
Published Date: 15.09.2011
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