Thursday, 29 December 2011

Traditional Treatments For Hair Loss

"Your hair is dry and lifeless?" - A problem in today's world of concern to many women and men. Poor environment, the sun and wind, exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke, the frequent use of hair styling and hot dryer, all of this dries and thins the hair structure. They begin to break down, fall out, split and lie on the head with straw, not a posh decorating any woman wave. How to return your hair strength and shine? For centuries, women have gained in this field experience. We have only to choose.

Medicinal Plants


  • Scented Geranium. This plant contains organic acids and salts, tannins, vitamins C and K, starch and essential oil. It is used for breakage and hair loss. Warm infusion of geranium leaves washed his head, not wiping it dry. The procedure should be performed every two days during the month.
  • Nettle. In the leaves of nettle contains flavonoid and tannin, formic acid, pantothenic acid and silica, vitamin C, B 1 and K, protein, potassium, calcium, iron and carotene. To strengthen the hair and enhance their natural growth needed rubbed into the scalp infusion of nettle leaves or fresh nettle hair is 100 grams. Chopped leaves are boiled in 500 ml of water and vinegar mixed in equal proportions. Broth washes his head, no flushing water.
  • Camomile. Contains flavonoids, carotene, gums, proteins and fatty acids. The composition of essential oil is a substance chamazulene, the regeneration processes. Chamomile nourishes, brightens and thickens hair. Blonde hair makes golden hue. It is recommended rinse hair with infusion of chamomile after shampooing. You can add vinegar infusion, which also softens the hair and give them a shine.
  • Sage. It leaves contain flavonoids, volatile, alkaloids, vitamins P and PP, organic acids, tannins and other substances. Infusion of sage leaves strengthens the hair follicles and prevents hair loss. To enhance taken 1 tablespoon finely chopped leaves in a glass of water, with hair loss should make a more concentrated extract - 2 tablespoons per cup of water.
  • Henna or Lawsonite Unarmed. The leaves of henna contain mucus, pectin and pigments. It is important to know that not all subtypes of henna dye their hair. The plant has nutritional value and use it with regular hair becomes stronger, thicker and prevents brittleness, the cross section and hair loss.
  • Onions. Onions - a rich source of micronutrients, essential oils, vitamins B and C, organic acids, as well as mono-and disaccharides. It perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair follicles. To do this, skip the onion through a meat grinder, and put porridge on the scalp for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse well head with water and lemon juice, which neutralizes the smell of onions and soften hair further.


Masks from vegetable oils are very useful for hair. They nourish and soften the hair. Due to high content of vitamins E and P, they also strengthen the hair follicles.
  • Coconut oil. Indian beauty secret of beautiful and healthy hair.Coconut oil consist of
  • triglycerides and saturated fatty acids, allowing the oil absorbs quickly and moisturizes well. For the coconut masks you'll need 2-3 tablespoons of oil. We recommend lightly melt it in a water bath and rub into the hair roots. Then comb it evenly on the scalp and hair. Keep the mask takes about an hour or more under the plastic cap and towel. Coconut oil is almost leaves the hair greasy. After the mask wash hair with shampoo.
  • Vegetable oils: burdock, olive oil, linseed or castor. Compresses of these oils are very useful for the scalp. They nourish the hair follicles, strengthening them and promoting hair growth. Slightly warmed oil is rubbed into the scalp and leave for an hour under the plastic wrap and a towel. Then washed hair with shampoo. At the end of useful hair rinse, acidified with vinegar or lemon juice, water.


For dry, brittle hair is very useful egg yolk. This is because it contains full range of
nutrients required for the development of a living organism. The egg contains a stimulating hair growth, vitamin D, as well as a large number of vitamins A and E, which protect the hair from drying out. Vitamin B improves blood flow to hair follicles. Useful properties of egg yolk enhanced abundance, strengthening the hair structure and minerals.

For best results, mix the yolk made with vegetable oil in a ratio of one egg yolk to one tablespoon of oil. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, comb through your hair to distribute. Head wrap in cellophane and a towel. After an hour wash your hair as usual. To make such masks can be 1-2 times a week for a month.

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry hair potato mask. For her, you need 3 grated potatoes, egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey. The mixture was distributed over the entire length of hair. Rinse with a compress preferably without shampoo. The hair became thicker and longer break to repeat the 1-3 times a week for a month.


Wonderful properties of honey have long known to all. Thanks to the rich composition of
trace elements and useful it brittle, dry hair. Honey masks perfectly nourish and moisturize dry scalp. For best results, combine honey is useful to others, described above, the components.

Try honey-onion poultice. Juice of one onion mixed with four tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply mixture to your scalp and hair roots. Close the hair shower cap. After half an hour rinse with shampoo and rinse hair with acetic or citric acid with water, not to leave the smell of onions.

As a condition of hair all women and men should try various different masks and rinsing. So, you pick up a tool that makes your hair soft and silky.


William Matt


Alternative Cures By Bill Gottlieb (Author)
Prescription for Natural Cures By Mark Stengler (Author)

Published: 15.10.2011

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