Sunday, 25 December 2011

Psoriasis and Psoriasis Treatment

Following is the detail of Psoriasis

How The Properties of The Skin, Psoriatic?

For skin affected with psoriasis, is characterized by rapid renewal of the epidermis. Normally, for a full update of the epidermal cells takes 3-4 weeks, but in psoriasis this takes only 4-7 days. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes dry and less elastic. In addition, it is prone to inflammation, so the plaques that appear on different parts of the body, especially on the arms, legs, trunk and scalp, have a reddish color. Typically, plaques covered with fine whitish scales.

Psoriasis - a chronic disease with an undulating course usually occurs after 15 years.

How Can I Reduce The Pain And Itching?

In order not to aggravate the inflammation, do not rub and do not comb the plaque. Grooming for the skin, treat it with extreme caution. You should not remove dead skin peel, formed on the elbows, knees and scalp. It is better if the scales are gradually sloughed off by themselves as the healing of the skin.

How Should I Wash Psoriatic Skin?
  • During washing do not rub or stretch the skin.
  • It is better to give preference to the soul, rather than baths because they dry the skin. However, to relax, you can sometimes take a bath, but on condition that it will not be too long and the water is not very hot - a maximum of 37-38 ° C.
  • Soap should be a neutral and without fragrance.
  • Drain the skin with a towel should be very careful, pressing it lightly to the body.
  • Carefully drain off all the folds and hidden areas of the skin. Particular attention is paid to the ear canal and skin of auricles, armpits, skin folds under the breasts, navel and groin area, as well as the skin between the toes.
Psoriasis Treatment

Can I Swim With Psoriasis?

Swim with psoriasis can, but not during exacerbations, when the skin is particularly vulnerable. Another bathing explain that psoriasis is contagious, and they risk nothing, being next to you.

Before the dip in the pool, apply petroleum jelly on the plaque, to protect them from the action of chlorine and other chemicals that are added to the water. Coming out of the pool, rinse your skin with warm clean water. The skin to dry with a soft towel, gently patting them on the body.

Which Cosmetics And Care Products For Skin Can Be Used For Psoriasis?

In psoriasis, you can use the soft alkali soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, etc. The best choice for sensitive facilities or children's skin. If you are allergic to any perfumes use the same allergenic means that you used to first exacerbation of psoriasis. It should be remembered that substances that cause allergic reactions, may be part of air fresheners and fabric softener.

When inflammation of the skin in the armpits can be washed with brine. As long as the redness of the skin will not work, use deodorant is not recommended. You should avoid products containing alcohol and aromatic substances.

You can use regular and waterproof makeup for eyes, lips and face.

For hair removal is best to use cold wax, irritating the skin less than hot wax, depilatory creams or shaving, especially if the plaques are placed on the legs and underarms.

Which Means For The Skin Should Be Used For Psoriasis?

Those who suffer from psoriasis, it is difficult to decide what means to remove makeup or lotion for the body better use, especially considering the ever-growing range of products. In this section we will show you by what means are suitable for sensitive skin and body.
We present an exhaustive list, but only some funds that you can use. Do not hesitate to ask a pharmacist for more information.

Psoriasis - a chronic disease that often has a fluctuating course. It is characterized by enhanced proliferation of keratinocytes, leading to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis) and the appearance of inflamed reddish patches on the skin.

The range of skin care for psoriasis is not complete, so it's important to choose the funds that do not cause irritation and do not have allergenic properties. Skin irritation can lead to a Koebner phenomenon, i.e., the appearance of new plaques on irritated skin. Available funds are available with keratolytic action to help remove the scales, that easier access to medicines for local use (e.g., glucocorticoids, and derivatives of vitamin D) to the damaged skin and their absorption. Finally, in psoriasis should use emollients (moisturizers) funds, because they increase the skin's elasticity and make it less rough and dry. Particularly suitable for this facility on the basis of water from hot springs (have a soothing and anti-inflammatory properties).

Although funds for skin care can not replace drugs for the topical treatment of psoriasis, they both can complement each other. Funds for the skin help to improve the general condition of patients with psoriasis, because they reduce discomfort and improve skin appearance. Well hydrated skin looks better and is softer, so that patients with psoriasis feel more confident. Thus, the use of these tools can help improve their quality of life.

Moisturizing Body Lotions

In psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and rough, horny layer of the epidermis is much thicker. Violation of cellular processes leads to the fact that the skin becomes increasingly difficult to retain moisture, and it is subjected to dehydration. Therefore, psoriasis is recommended to use an emollient that make the skin more pliable. Substances such as urea, amino acids and lactic acid, to absorb and hold water, give it the means softening properties, and petroleum jelly, beeswax, vegetable oils and ceramides, preventing dehydration of the skin - protective properties.

Better use of funds with the designation of «O / W» (oil in water) on the packaging, the use of which the skin is not as fat as the use of labeled «W / O» (water in oil). Patients with psoriasis are usually suitable means to care for very dry skin and those designed for patients with atopic dermatitis. However, inflammation of the skin in psoriasis does not necessarily lead to its dryness. Atopic dermatitis - a skin disease manifested in the form of eczema. Although some of its manifestations (especially redness and itching) resemble some forms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis does not lead to a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Special treatment, intended for different forms or stages (progressive or stable), psoriasis, has not been developed. However, all patients are well-tolerated moisturizer that is used after a shower and a bath and have duration of action. It is believed that they could slow down cell regeneration in half and prevent the emergence of new areas of defeat.

It is important to remember that emollients can be used immediately prior to irradiation of the skin UV-A or UV-B, because they make it difficult for the radiation to the skin. However, you can use them the day before the procedure or the night before.

Patients with psoriasis, especially if they have itchy patches are suitable means for skin that is affected by atopic dermatitis (rich in omega-3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids). Although deficiency of fatty acids characteristic of atopic dermatitis, there is every reason to believe that they are necessary and in psoriasis, because it is characterized by rapid renewal of the epidermis.


Keratinization of the skin - a normal process during which the skin is updated by keratinocytes. Keratinocytes make up the population of cells of the epidermis and produce keratin. In psoriasis, their functioning is disturbed; resulting in the stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens and becomes covered with scales. As desquamation of keratinocytes in psoriasis is broken, the skin becomes coarser. To combat hyperkeratosis (thickening of the skin) using different chemicals, including salicylic acid, urea, lactic acid.

Alicylic acid, which has keratolytic and antiseptic, is the active substance, which is part of many tools used in the irritation and peeling of the skin. Urea acts as a keratolytic and moisturizing. The so-called alpha hydrox acid and fruit acids (such as glycolic and citric) have long been used in cosmetics for its exfoliating and smoothing effect, as they help remove excess obsolete cells. Stronger alpha hydrox acid (lower pH) has a more pronounced effect of peeling off. In psoriasis, can be used only very weak alpha hydrox acids such as ammonium lactate. Keratolytic creams are available in tons of emulsions; they help to remove obsolete epidermis and scales. These funds are especially encouraged to apply to the thickened and scaly skin-covered body and scalp.

Most cytolytic contain another active ingredient that helps moisturize the stratum corneum of the epidermis. These funds can be used as maintenance treatment for normal skin moisture and prevent exacerbations. With the defeat of the epidermis, these funds soften it and make more plastic.

Treatment Of Weeping Skin Lesions

In some cases, psoriasis is accompanied by a moist skin, which resembles bubbles affected area, located on its surface. These bubbles are filled with opaque or yellowish transparent liquid. If they are damaged, spontaneous or due to scratching, the skin looks moist and may be covered with crusts. In those places where the skin undergoes constant friction, the bubbles appear again after the burst. The reason may be soak injury or inflammation.

Skin Care From Psoriasis

If the skin of a person not impressed with psoriasis, to cleanse you can use any means appropriate to skin type, including soap, water, means for removing makeup, cleansing milk or gel. If you have acne is better to use mild cleansing gel. If the skin is dry, is recommended cleansers that do not contain soap, toilet soap and cleansing milk. If the skin is struck with psoriasis should carefully monitor its purity, cleansing her in the morning and evening, every day (or even several times a day with severe dryness) to put on her moisturizer. Although the ideal means to care for psoriatic skin does not exist, use those that do not cause irritation. You can handle the skin pairs of mineral water which helps remove scales and reduce redness. Dried skin neat paper towels. When skin lesions should avoid visiting beauty salons and at home - the use of masks and scrubs for the face, which may enhance irritation. In the absence of lesions at the request of funds can be used with a variety of active substances (e.g., anti-aging) as long as they are well tolerated. However, products containing derivatives of vitamin A should be used with caution.

Caring For The Scalp

In psoriasis of the scalp skin in this area can become thicker and covered with red plaques covered with a large number of scales. To remove scales and reduce itching to use keratolytic shampoos that does not contain tar. Shampoo is applied to the hair roots and washes off after 5 minutes. After this, rinse hair thoroughly and then wash again with a suitable for this type of hair shampoo. After the scalp is cleansed of defeat, you should use a mild shampoo that prevents dandruff. If you use the right shampoo, you can wash your hair daily. To remove the scales from the scalp can be used keratolytic creams. For maximum effect it is recommended to put the cream on the scalp and leave for 2 hours, put on his head a shower cap. In the absence of exacerbation of psoriasis can dye your hair, but it can not be washed with hot water and dried with hot air.

Sun Protection

Although sunlight has a beneficial effect on the skin in psoriasis, it must be protected from the harmful effects of UV-A and UV-B. Produced special sunscreen for patients with atopic dermatitis, such as a lotion for children with a high degree of protection Mustela SPF50.


Dr. Laurence Bernstein


Eugene Farber (President of the Psoriasis Research Institute)

Healing Psoriasis By John O. A. Pagano (Author)

Managing Your Psoriasis By Nicholas J. Lowe (Author)

Published: 08.10.11

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